Friday, October 30, 2009

Turn the page....

Well it has been a very eventful past couple of weeks and now the Mendiola Family stands on the verge of yet another new chapter in our continuing adventure.

Today, in case you didn't know, marks that last day for Sarah at her job. She put in her notice a couple weeks ago and we are finally making the move to bring her back home once again. Its where she belongs and where she always wanted to be. After today she can now go back to doing what she loves which is being the best wife and mommy she can. I sure do love you babe and I'm so happy for you. (And yes, of course I want you here!!!)

This week Jaden also began his homeschooling. Its been a weird schedule since Sarah has still been working and all of his school materials haven't arrived yet. But so far he seems to be loving it. He thinks its so cool that he gets his own computer and he can just do his work on the couch in his pajamas. He got to participate in an online meeting with other students yesterday and thought it was the greatest thing! Last night we got the first shipment of materials which included all his textbooks, workbooks and supplies. It was like Christmas! We got two large boxes (addressed to Jaden so he felt super awesome) and all gathered around to unpack them after dinner. It was quite the event. His computer should arrive next week and then we will go about the process of figuring out where to set everything up. So far its looking like I'm going to be evicted from the office which may pose some challenges for my work, but we'll figure it out. Bright spot: I will possibly be upgrading our wireless network. Hooray for new gadgetry!!!

So much change all around us right now and at times its overwhelming. It seems like every day some new, major event is taking place. Sudden shifts that we may have seen hints of but didn't expect. Things that catch you off guard. And some things that you knew were coming but not when, and when they do hit it makes you think "Really God? Now?". Its truly a season of change right now and its in full swing. It can be jarring and might catch you unprepared but through it all there is a hand to steady our way. A bright beacon is visible if you look for it and the Lord will lead you down the path He has chosen. You might not be ready, you might not even be aware of the road, but through faith you will arrive at your destination safe and sound.

I had so much trepidation around Sarah leaving her job and the kids starting many things whirling in my mind. We had a plan and it wasn't time yet! We had a schedule mapped out. We had dates and tasks to complete in preparation. There were committments that had to be met first. How would bills be paid? How would we fit everything in? This can't be right, ITS NOT TIME YET!!! We were getting caught up in the storm of changes raging around us and I didn't feel ready.

But then a strange thing happened. I prayed about all this more and I suddenly realized that all the plans and schedules and preparations we had didn't matter. Those were our plans. Those were our hangups, our path. God was telling me, "These are MY plans for you. This is MY path". After I understood that everything became clear. I could see His hand at work all along and how He allowed everything to fall into place as He always does. At that point, my outlook changed completely. I no longer feared the change, I welcomed it. I felt a weight lift as I discovered I no longer had to worry about all the details, God has a plan and we are on His path. I became excited and found myself looking forward to this next chapter. I have no doubt there will be challenges, but I also have no doubt we will meet them head on and overcome them!

Sometimes I need to be smacked over the head in order to see clearly, but when I do its a sight to behold. I'm so thankful for everything He has done and continues to do in our lives. God is indeed wonderful and its amazing to watch him work.


  1. Love you, love being on your team, love being your helper, your wife, your friend. Thank you for loving me soooo well :) I love being married to you and I love to watch you grow more and more into the man the Lord has intended you to be. You bless me abundantly, Mr. Mendiola.

    P.S. Blog land, Jaden is under no circumstances allowed to do school in his jammies..and this upsets him massively. It also upsets Ashley. But I told them it's their job, and just as I will have to get dressed so do they. And if you know me at all, you know it will be VERY hard for me to get out of my jammies!!

  2. Got caught up with your blog, son... good to have your thoughts and inner randomness to share... You and Sarah are off on another segment of this wonderful life God has given you. Peace comes, and stays is we let it. And remember, God's big enough to smack His children up side the head when we need it, 'cause He's also always there, in control, to kiss it all better. Love you...
