Monday, October 5, 2009

Under construction.....

My wife wants me to blog more so she thought that by removing me from our shared blog I might get motivated. Well I guess she was right cuz here we are.

Actually, I just love to make her happy. And for some reason, injecting my thoughts and unique brand of randomness into the internet world through a blog shaped needle is what would make her happy at the moment. That, and her new puppy which is already on the way so I kind of had no other choice.

Who knew setting these things up would be so much work! I felt like I was applying for a small loan with the amount of info they wanted from me. Thank you God for creating the dude who invented Facebook. Fortunately much of this personal info of mine was already out on my profile there. Thank you again God for creating Bill Gates and allowing him to add a copy/paste feature into Windows. Made my blog setup super fast!

So the title of this blog is "Under Construction". I chose this simply because I just created my blog (duh, no deep hidden meaning here). I don't have the nifty toys and gadgets yet that make this a World Class blog like my wife's, but I'm hoping she will be so overjoyed that I finally started one that she will volunteer without hesitation to deck out my page in equal splendor with all the bells and whistles. What do you say babe? :D

In the meantime, I have chosen "boring blog template #5" as my starting point.

1 comment:

  1. Oh I already had plans to pimp your blog (as Kristi would say). Love you babe! Welcome (back) to blog world!! It's loverly, and the water is warm (in a good way).
